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Schotensesteenweg 173

telephone :
mobile 00 32 475 69 28 47


if using hotmail, gmail

... not really email-programs : then copy

this email address : albert@chromo.be

and use it to send me an email

BAN: BE32789534187102


I can show you sets on my webcam

Paypal icon is same as PUT in BASKET
Paypal will ADD everything you click on and decide to go on instead of paying
with Paypal you don't have to pay immediately
Paypal leaves final decision to you
when you decide to pay at the end,
final decision,
when all is added up
then decide to pay or copy and paste it in a mail that you can send to me

over 250 euros you get 10 % discount
as a credit for next buying

Calendar Collectomania.be
  • Calogueprices are NEVER Saleprices …….. Normaly a salesprice depend on authenticity of the set, variations : also in tekst & numbering, and backside, borders, condition, editions, rarety dimensions -------------- When ordering please : send us a mail with numbers of ALSO WANTED SETS, from which we can choose and WE will join from those to reach 50% of your paid amount with Paypal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SO YOU WILL always you get a 50% discount
    DUTCH translation = NEDERLANDSE VERTALING : Bestel met Paypal en zend een mail met nummers die U ook ooit wil aanschaffen …. En dan verzenden wij bij Uw bestelling voor 50% van het door U betaalde bedrag : reeksen van uw keuze ,,,, = U betaalde dan slechts 50% van de prijs, verzending inbegrepen. Bij afhaling nog eens 10% korting !
  • - use this website - Chromo : left above fill in the number of a wanted set : a number XXXX as an example 0041 ( for the first Belgian set) - … again to be sure : Please use always 4 digits/numerals/figures, … so 123 must be 0123 and so number 67 becomes 0067) got search line on top of this page LEFT above : just fill in the number of wanted set OR type a part of the TITLE if you have no number AND ENTER : that will direct you to the set-page - - Then push on the Paypal icon - the Paypal icon and let it add up, repeat and let Paypal add up … When finished : - make a printscreen, save it for you (or print and make a copy) AND send a printscreen or copy of FULL Paypal adding page(es) ------ THAT will be your order to me AND I will send a Paypal invitation for half of the price (discount of 50%) - and when you go back to Paypal, …. remove the paypall sets : just bring total wanted sets to 0, I allow you to work always this way but : 2 conditions : - only for orders above 200 € - and only for BELGIAN sets 1870 to 1962 - (other languages get only 30%, then same system can be used - then take out only 30% of worth and send the original first adding up by Paypal to me - copy the page with FULL order and send to me by mail - delete the Paypal order (put each set to 0 sets) - and make a direct payment of 70% - or mail me and I will send Paypal-invitation for the discounted invoice
    Alleen voor Belgische reeksen van Liebig : 3 maanden aktie voor gezamenljk aankopen 30% korting boven de 100 € en 40% boven de 200€ : gebru dezewebsite : links boven het nummer typen van een door U gewenste reeks : gebruik 4 cijfers dus XXXX zodus nr 41 wordt 0041 dus, nog een voorbeeld … dus 123 wordt 0123 - Collectomania : als je geen nummer vindt, dan gebruik je een woord uit de TITEL op de prent, eender welke taal, … OF een trefwoord dat de ganse reeks verzinnebeeld - Onderaan op de nieuwe bladzijde (over die serie) kan je de Paypal icoon aanklikken, en dan komt die reeks in je koopwagentje. Gebruik Papal verder, voor Uw volgende reeksen. - Laat Paypal optellen en maak een printscreen. En geef die de naam Collectoctomania met datum erachter. Mail deze printscreen naar mij. En dan mag je op Paypal het reeksaantal op 0 brengen en afsluiten. - ik stuur je dan een faktuur voor de helft van de prijs, samen met een Paypal uitnodiging om dus de helft te betalen en bij aankomst van de betaling bij mij, verstuur ik alle reeksen. - Of ik breng ze naar U toe. U mag ook betalen bij aflevering, dan checken we samen de reeksen bij U thuis.. - Dit systeem werkt alleen voor samengeteld de Belgische uitgaven der Liebig reeksen 1872 tot en met 1962 : alleen voor aankopen boven de 200 €
  • you will receive a 10% discount on our invoice for simultaneous other purchases… if the total price is more than €50 -----AND ---- -above 100 € for joint purchases, you will receive a 20% discount -----AND----- included registered shipping with Track & Trace worldwide --------AND ------ above 200€ you will receive a 30% discount on multiple purchases, including worldwide registered shipping with Track&Trace
    To use the catalogue : please start using left collumn … and if you have questions, then please email me and click here to send mail to Albert.van.den.Bosch@skynet.be ….
  • ENGLISH : all languages to choose : right click on your mousse and choose translate
    Nederlands : rechtse muisklik en kies vertalen in NEDERLANDS-------------- Italiano : fare clic con il tasto destro ------------Deutsch : Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste und wählen Sie „Übersetzen“-------------------ENGLISH : all languages to choose : right click on your mousse and choose translate in your language---------------Français : cliquez avec la souris et choisissez traduire
  • LITHO STONE PRINT HAND PRESS ART GALERY - this will be partly a new site to be set up - It is my facebook site that will be used in the beginning : goto my facebooksite ….. I want to share and express my vison that also cheap old litho-art can educate us in feeling the real labour of artists, not capable to break through, but surely their work moves our emotions
    Our eyes do not see everything unless we focus, or train our brain to see more details. We experience , that enjoying ART depends on our attention, and certainly we need time, to SEE better = FEEL BETTER. Lithography with many colours OR paintings with only one color ,,, but with MANY subtile shades … makes us FEEL the "hard work" AND makes us feel our compassion. Then we make part, integrate with the artists feelings and capacities.
  • my French website COLLECTOMANIA click here : mon site en langue Française …… meinen Deutschen website COLLECTOMANIA click bitte : meinen Deutschen website ……my DUTCH website Collectomania click hier :mijn Nederlandstaloge website COLLECTOMANIA
    goto catalogues: click left yellow colored collumn FOR alfabetical titlelist OR all Liebig in 1 country ( click on it in left yellow coloured collumn ; then in new opened new page : select country and then click on SEARCH), FOR all searches click on left collumn AND make you choice in NEW opened ages. Enjoy
  • We thank all collectors that have visited us worldwide on fairs during last 50 years
  • ABOUT DISCOUNTS if combined sales from sets edited after 1928
    to knock down my sending costs, please force yoursself by buying above 100$ ( work with lists). You get discounted when we can send full years or numbered lists …Up to 50% discount if buying 75 cheap sets …30 sets means minus30% …AND 40 sets means then minus 40% : ======use the paypal icon, let Paypal add up …and in the accompanying Paypal note, or in an email or letter let me know some more numbers you need ( adding up to your total of your discount) … that is the easy way we can work together … no complications … AND always with money back guaranty ====
  • goto Whatsapp, my phone is 0032475692847 =in Belgium 0475692847 and my name is Albert van den bosch …. Phone me on your whatapp, and open your video or send me a message
    To send me an email click on this line : mail to Albert Van den Bosch
  • Catalogue prices are NOT our selling prices, they are informative only AND Our used photographs are just examples from how images look And to show different TEKST lines So photographs are NOT from the cards you buy (if you want them ): - photographed set is just an example from French language cards - we have those sets & cards in the language you need
    just start an email communication and we will send photographs of the sets you want in the language you need And we will send photographs (front and reverse) from the sets of your choice AND with a discounted price proposal from mint sets to very good ones
  • please don’t ask me for the very very rare
    when we are friends then you can acquire these too from me … but the very rare are, those are on waitinglists, that means a whole administration and I can only do this if we manage to have very good communications and a strong business relationship,
  • Many of my sales are Auctions , and you can make me offers … for individual scarse sets we will accept, if you do not not exagerate ….. For cheap priced sets 10% discount is acceptable if arriving above 50$ in one package and one payment. AND above 100$ minus 20% is accept able if combining to sales in one day and one Paypal payment and then I can send in same package … free sending and with Track and Trace, is then included as wel as minus 30% discount if arriving at 250$ in combined senidngs
    We moved out of EBAY .... Now our auction sales sales are in my WEBshop-Delcampe in Belgium. Payments via Bank o r Paypal my webshop albert.vandenbosch at MY DELCAMPE AUCTIONS . We have more than 10,000 sales on this auction site,
  • --------------------- our catalogueprices are NOT saleprices -----------------------------------Normaly a salesprice depend on authenticity of set, variations : also in tekst & numbering, and backside, borders, condition, editions, rarety dimensions -------------- When ordering please send us a mail with numbers of ALSO WANTED SETS, which we will join to reach 50% of your paid amount ,,,, that is my way to give you a 50% discount !!!

Thematic website on chromo lithographic printed advertising ephemera. Trade cards from chocolate and other food Company's have mostly 6 cards in a set, mainly on same subject, generally between 1870 and 1920. Later editions have their albums and sets were larger.
I don’t have the time to make photographs of the 300.000 cards that I have for sale … these photographs are just to illustrate what kind of material we have … most of the time it is for sale ( but can just be sold, can be a buy-not-buy-decision from people who cannot decide in a few days and let me wait for their acts ). So please take necessary action to build up a relationship with me … I am only one millisecond from your telephone : +32 475 69 28 47

- Money back garanty

- Worldwide free shipping on card purchases above 40 euro

- we sell only genuine items