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Schotensesteenweg 173

telephone :
mobile 00 32 475 69 28 47


if using hotmail, gmail

... not really email-programs : then copy

this email address : albert@chromo.be

and use it to send me an email

BAN: BE32789534187102


I can show you sets on my webcam

Paypal icon is same as PUT in BASKET
Paypal will ADD everything you click on and decide to go on instead of paying
with Paypal you don't have to pay immediately
Paypal leaves final decision to you
when you decide to pay at the end,
final decision,
when all is added up
then decide to pay or copy and paste it in a mail that you can send to me

over 250 euros you get 10 % discount
as a credit for next buying

Ref: 1st prize 2012 -  free shipping above 40€, WORLDWIDE only if under 50 gr.

Year: 2012

In negotiation, pending, promised ... please inquire.


Albert Van den bosch has the title

Belg, uit Borgerhout wint Europese Verzamelaarsprijs, een mini Ipad + één jaar het recht de titel te mogen dragen van : EUROPEAN COLLECTOR OF THE YEAR 2012

Paul Jambers reikt European Collector of the Year 2012 awards uit in Antwerpen - De ‘European Collector of the Year 2012’ award is gewonnen door een Vlaamse verzamelaar. De jury, onder leiding van TV-presentator en stripverzamelaar Paul Jambers, koos uit 20 genomineerden de verzameling Liebig reclameplaatjes van Antwerpenaar Albert van den Bosch tot winnaar van de juryprijs. De prijzen zijn gisteravond uitgereikt in de TV-studio van Paul Jambers in Duffel. Volgens juryvoorzitter Paul Jambers heeft van den Bosch een bijna complete verzameling met vrijwel alle reclameplaatjes, ook wel chromo’s genoemd, die Liebig tussen 1872 en 1975 weg gaf bij haar vleesextracten. De bouillon van Liebig was een alternatief voor echt vlees. De Duitse firma maakte 11.500 verschillende kaarten en daar bestaan weer allerlei taalvarianten van, ook in het Nederlands. “Albert van den Bosch heeft met veel doorzettingsvermogen een geweldige collectie aangelegd van dit bijzondere erfgoed. Hij heeft zijn verzameling perfect geordend en gecatalogiseerd zodat ook andere verzamelaars veel aan zijn gegevens hebben.” De ganse LIEBIG verameling staat op de website met meer dan 10,000 fotos, gratis online, klik op deze lijn om de Liebig kataloog te bekijken : titels vooraan rechts zijn aanklikbaar voor alle info over die reeks die je aanklikt>

de catalogue Liebig is in het engels, maar alle talen zijn beschikbaar. gebruik ook deze alfabetische lijst met ALLE reeksen, in met hun titel in elke talen u kan linksboven op de site: één woord uit de titel intikken en dan op SEARCH klikken om te zoeken … op nummer drukken voor alle info ,,, en in het alfabet bovenaan veschijnen alle titels die met het eerste woord uit de titel overeenstemmen>

Similar thematics
Worldwide -> All famous people
Meat Extract -> Meat extract publicity
Trade cards -> Meat extract publicity
Food & drinks -> Meat extract publicity
Liebig's reverse variants -> Meat extract publicity
Albums (+cards) -> Album with cards divers
Art -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Animals -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
All other Themes -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Dates -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Books & other paper -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Choclate -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Postcards -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Geographie -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Sport & Games -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Religion -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Transportation -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Worldwide -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Photos -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Textile & soap -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Trade cards -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Tobacco -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Food & drinks -> 400,000+ postcards in our shop … CLICK on photographs please
Choclate -> albums : chocolate
Albums (+cards) -> albums : chocolate
Sport & Games -> All other sports
Next auctions or direct sale in our shop -> LOT ready for auction or indiviual sale

Conditions of sale:

link to email me
if above link does not work, because
you have gmail, hotmail, etc...
then please copy this email address :
to send me an email

55 years in business
BTW 512 786 144
HRA 180307

Paypal : albert.van.den.bosch@skynet.be
Belgique - Dexia 789 – 5341871 - 02
International BANK transfer (free in Europe)
BAN: BE32789534187102 BIC: BACBBEBB
Prices are in Euro
Most of the time only once available … can have been ordered already …
Please use telephone, email of snail mail to send your order
Prices are incl. V.A.T. and invoice on demand
Smaller defaults are not mentioned, condition is overall very good
All the items ordered will be kept at your disposal for 15 days
these items will remain the full property of the seller until full payment of the price mentioned.
Posting costs are same as my stamps at Belgian post office, no shipping and handling costs

Chromo Trade Card 1st prize 2012

european collector of the year 2012 Albert van den bosch

Jambers European collector 2012

Jambers price European Collector

Thematic website on chromo lithographic printed advertising ephemera. Trade cards from chocolate and other food Company's have mostly 6 cards in a set, mainly on same subject, generally between 1870 and 1920. Later editions have their albums and sets were larger.
I don’t have the time to make photographs of the 300.000 cards that I have for sale … these photographs are just to illustrate what kind of material we have … most of the time it is for sale ( but can just be sold, can be a buy-not-buy-decision from people who cannot decide in a few days and let me wait for their acts ). So please take necessary action to build up a relationship with me … I am only one millisecond from your telephone : +32 475 69 28 47

- Money back garanty

- Worldwide free shipping on card purchases above 40 euro

- we sell only genuine items