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porto frei uber 40€ ( maximum 50 gr. ) , unter 10€ nur Abholung
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Thematic Digital Museum Archive Inventory of Ephemeral Trade cards, pre 1900 printed lithographic sets.
All is now for sale because of our retirement sale of shop.
this is only a fraction … many more available … these are only the yet photographed albums ... 600 albums more to be done …. Let us know what you are searching for and those album will be scanned and joined before end of the year. So please come back often and save this webaddres for future use.
Above link will guide you to more than 100.000 fotos of SUBJECT sets, most of these in thematic albums with inserted 100 to 500 cards ( die cuts, calendars, vignettes, labels, poster stamps, etc … all related to same subject.
We also have following selling site this CHROMO website is a numbered catalogue, with photos and prices, titles, variants with Paypal-icons to buy catalogued sets of international food companies, before first Worldwar 1914-1918 . Working with manco lists, refering to catalogue numbers, join photos in mails…… this all is essential to avoid mistakes. Please study this catalogue if you want to collect trade cards of following catalogued brands before WWI ( world War 1) for instance : Meat Extract Liebig and Cibils, Au Bon Marché, chocolate Companies : Suchard, Guérin Boutron and many others.
Die Preisen sind in Euro
und eine Rechnung wird versand bei Anfrage
Nur einmahl meistens vorhanden, kan schon verkauft sein
Nur Orinalen Portokosten sind nur unsere Frankierung
Reklame Bilder van 1870 bis 1920, ausgegeben mit 6 in eine Serie, mit gemeinschaftliches Themen. Spter sind deise Serien viel groszer und werden mit Reklame Bilder Alben ausgegeben.
unsere Photos sind nur ein "zum Beispiel" was wir vorhanden haben .... 1000 mahl mehr in unsere Geschaft dan ich kan fotografieren
- Money back garanty
- Worldwide free shipping on card purchases above 40 euro